What is Bio Individuality and Why Do You Need to Know About it?

Bio individuality – have ya heard of it? Probably not.

Here’s the thing I’ve noticed about the health and wellness world…it really shouldn’t be a one size fits all sort of situation. But so many of us are constantly on the search for the next big thing (like the one diet to rule them all!) when it comes to wellness. The bandwagons are plenty, and often full.

But here’s the thing – I’ll have a friend who try a new way of eating or exercise that really works for them, but absolutely flops for me. It’s a reality I’ve experienced all too frequently. What works for one person doesn’t always work for me. We all have different needs.

So let’s dig into what bio individuality even means and why you should be considering it when evaluating your own wellness and nutrition.

Please refer to my disclaimer – I am not a licensed medical professional, so always check with your doctor first before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle! I am working on my Integrative Nutrition health coaching certification, but you should always consult with a medical professional when it comes to dietary advice.

What is bio individuality?

Bio individuality is a belief that we are all different. Not just in our personalities – but literally in our gut. Which means our culture’s “one size fits all attitude is actually just wrong.

One man’s food is another man’s poison.

Our individual microbiome is just that – individual.

Do you love cramming down fancy cheeses, but your partner can’t seem to eat the delicious, salty, goodness without excess gas and stomachaches? The proof is in the farts, my friends. All of our stomachs digest foods differently.

Which means the food choices that are right for you, could very well be a poison to someone else. And vice versa.

Why does bio individuality matter?

Bio individuality challenges the current status quo when it comes to dietary guidelines because it acknowledges that we all have individual needs.

Bio individuality, to a certain extent, challenges a lot of the status quo we have here in the United States when it comes to nutrition and wellness. For example, the My Plate website promotes a wide range of food groups, many of which are absolutely “poison” to certain individuals. The USDA pumps out dietary guidelines for the U.S. that they recommend you tailor to your “personal preferences, values, traditions, culture, and budget” – but there’s no mention of these guidelines needing tailoring to your individual microbiome.​​​​​​​

The My Plate guidelines are based on a generalized assumption of what is healthy for the population en masse – it doesn’t address the dietary needs or nuances that come with being a bio individual.

Acknowledging your own bio individuality means you can better advocate for yourself when it comes to wellness and nutrition recommendations and fads.

Ever talked with a passionate friend who is in love with their diet and dying for you to give it a try, too? Although well intentioned, so many people from our friends, family, to even our own medical professionals often press dietary and wellness advice because it worked for them or other people. But will it work for you? ​​​​​​​Remember you (and your gut!) are unique.

I’m still reading, educating myself, and digging into this topic myself – but had to share with ya’ll because I know personally my mind was blown. If I prescribed to the idea of bio individuality – would I spend so much time asking everyone else what they’re eating and reading up on the latest celebrity wellness trends? Or would I maybe focus more on listening to my own body and tuning into signs of my own inflammation?

Just, ya know, a little food for thought. 😉

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Bio individuality impacts your gut! Curious what is bio individuality and why bio individuality matters? Check out this blog post to learn more.
Bio individuality impacts your gut! Curious what is bio individuality and why bio individuality matters? Check out this blog post to learn more.