How to Make the Most of the Next Full Moon

Is tonight a Full Moon? That may be why you landed on this blog post. Whether the next Full Moon is tonight, tomorrow, or weeks away – it’s always fun to prep for when a Full Moon is on the horizon. Full Moons are big, beautiful, and energetic. I’ve really enjoyed following the lunar and seasonal cycles and setting aside some time to gaze up at the night sky when a Full Moon is glowing up above.

If you’re curious when is the next Full Moon – and how you can make the most of it – keep on reading.

How long is the lunar cycle?

The moon cycles through all phases approximately once a month (or if we’re getting specific, 29.5 Earth days). These phases that we see with the human eye are caused by light: that is, the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

Why lunar cycles matter.

Lunar cycles matter for a whole host of reasons. Some of those reasons are highly practical (or would have been highly practical for our Pagan ancestors), such as telling time. Yep – the moon is the original Apple Watch.

Cycles in general matter. From our periods to the seasons, cycles are a huge part of life and being in tune with the different phases is not only healthy but fruitful. Many people believe our connection to the moon runs very deep. Humans are made of mostly water and the moon greatly impacts the tides. Moon phases are an amazing opportunity to track cycles and reflect inward about how those cycles impact you. From signaling fresh starts to indicating times of both high and low energies, the lunar cycle can tell you a lot about your past, present, and future.

By being in tune with and aware of the current moon cycle, you can plan accordingly based on the energies at play.

Everything you need to know about the different phases of the moon.

There are eight phases on the moon in total.

New Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

The New Moon is the fresh start of a new lunar cycle. During the New Moon phase, the moon is barely visible to the human eye. The Sun is shining on a half of the moon facing away from us on Earth. New Moons signal fresh starts and new beginnings. Use this time as an opportunity to start anew. Whether it’s starting a new project, finding a new hobby, taking a new class, or cooking a new recipe – this is the time to try new things with a fresh start or return to old projects with fresh eyes.

Waxing Crescent Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

In the Waxing Crescent phase, a stunning crescent shape starts to appear. During this phase, the moon is beginning to build back up to its full (see what I did there?) potential. As the moon begins to build its energy, so can you! Feel the extra surge in motivation and brain power and put it to good use.

First Quarter Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

The First Quarter Moon represents a halfway point to the Full Moon. The Moon continues to grow and surge – and so can our goals, intentions, and mindsets.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

At the Waxing Gibbous stage the moon is almost at its full potential. At this stage the energy is building and almost at precipice. You may find you feel extra excited or have extra energy as we move towards the Full Moon.

Full Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

Full Moons are gorgeous and impactful. The Full Moon is big, bold, energetic, and loaded with possibilities. During a Full Moon phase you might feel extremely social or bursting full with energy and emotion – embrace it! The Full Moon is the cyclical peak. You’re at your highest, fullest, and most abundant during this time. With a moon full in its most robust state, lean into your cravings, your energies, and embrace whatever you’re feeling at hand.

Waning Gibbous Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

In the Waning Gibbous phase, the energy from the Full Moon is slowly starting to fade. The night sky prior may have been full and emotional – so in the Waning Gibbous phase you may start to feel a little depleted or lower energy. This decrease in energy is normal as the Moon begins to wane.

Last Quarter Moon

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

In the Last Quarter Moon phase we’re back at the halfway point. Now is a great time to check in on yourself – what’s been working and what hasn’t – over the last bits of the above cycle. I love to use Last Quarter Moon phases to think about what I’ve accomplished not only during the last cycle, but also throughout the year. I sometimes dedicate an evening to journaling about progress and take stock of things I may want to change or improve now that I’ve had time to reflect.

Waning Crescent Moon (or Balsamic Moon)

Whether the next full moon is today, tomorrow, or weeks away - find out how to make the most of it with these tips & tricks.

Waning Crescent Moon time is a very introspective time, similar to the Last Quarter Moon. This time is very low energy. Expect to do lots of reflecting – and cut yourself a break! Don’t expect much of yourself during this time (it’s even okay to feel a little blue as you ponder and reflect). Give yourself grace when possible.

Full moon calendar 2021 dates.

Here are all the full moon dates for 2021:

  • January 28th – Wolf Moon
  • February 27th – Snow Moon
  • March 28th – Worm Moon
  • April 26th – Pink Moon
  • May 26th – Flower Moon
  • June 24th – Strawberry Moon
  • July 23rd – Buck Moon
  • August 22nd – Sturgeon Moon
  • September 20th – Harvest Moon
  • October 20th – Hunter’s Moon
  • November 19th – Beaver Moon
  • December 18th – Cold Moon

Full Moon names.

As you’ll notice, Full Moons do have names! These names can be attributed to the Native Americans of North America. Native American tribes followed lunar cycles and closely kept track of the seasons – thus the naming conventions given to each Full Moon. While no memorization is necessary, it’s important to know why the Full Moons are called what they’re called and the origins of the naming conventions.

How to prepare for and make the most of Full Moons.

Full Moons are ripe with energy, emotion, and possibilities. Here are a few of my favorite ways to celebrate and bask when the moon is full.

Pro tip: Full Moons are about endings NOT beginnings. It’s not typically advised to engage in anything new during a Full Moon, but rather bask in the peak energy, spend time cleansing and reflecting, and prepare for new phases ahead.

Set out items to recharge under the energy of the Full Moon.

I’ll admit – the first I had ever heard of “charging” items under a Full Moon was from an episode of Married at First Sight. LOLZ. But now I’m fully sold.

This phase of the moon is exploding with energy. The idea behind “charging” items under a Full Moon is that those items can absorb some of that energy and almost be wiped clean of any other bad intentions or energies. Full Moon energy might also bring new ideas or inspiration. In our household, we love to leave items of personal importance outside during a full moon to “charge” and to cleanse. My husband, an avid basketball player, leaves his current basketball shoes outside. I like to leave journals, my tarot cards (to “clean” the deck of old energy), and pens I write ideas with. My husband swore that after the last 2021 full moon we had where he left his shoes out – he played really well during the next several basketball games.

Placebo effect? Maybe. But we’re cool with it either way. It’s a mindset.

Clean up your (physical, mental, emotional) space.

This time is energetic, so channel some of that extra energy to clean out and organize your space. Whether this means your living space or your workspace, tidying up and getting your ducks in a row allows you to channel Full Moon energy more effectively.

Being filled with energy also means there’s less room for the things not serving you – so rid yourself of those items physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Take a moon bath.

Willing to stay up to see the Full Moon in all its glory? Go outside and take a “moon bath” – let the moonlight touch your skin.

Release energy through movement.

With a Full Moon comes that big build up in energy. A great way to release energy during this time is via movement! I’m not a huge fan of organized workout classes, but if you are now is the time to take a few! You can also release energy by going on walks, doing a yoga flow, or even dancing around the house.

How do you plan to celebrate the next Full Moon? Drop your tips and tricks in the comments below! Follow me on Instagram to see how I live seasonally.